akutah-bhayamwithout fear
akutah-mrtyuhfearing death from no one
akutascitfrom nowhere
akutascit-bhayaundoubtedly fearless
akutascit-bhayahhaving no fear from any quarter
akutayahsenses of action
akutieagerness to work
akuti-sunuhof the son of Akuti
akutibhihby the senses of action
akutihattempts of the five working senses
akutihnamed Akuti
akutimmaterial activities
akutimthe daughter named Akuti
akutinamof all kinds of activity
akuto-bhayawithout fear from any direction
akutobhayamwithout fear
akutyamfrom the womb of Akuti
akutyamin Akuti
akutyamin his wife, named Akuti
akutyamin the womb of Akuti
alabdhahaving not received
alabdhanot achieved
alabdhanot being able to obtain
alabdhanot obtaining
alabdha-aspadamwithout a secure position
alabdha-aspadamwithout having achieved a proper place
alabdha-bhagahall unable to take a share
alabdha-bhogahnot getting any material comfort (practically starving for all material needs)
alabdha-kamamnot achieving your desired goals
alabdha-ksanahthere was no time to talk
alabdha-manahwithout respect
alabdha-nathahwithout getting the shelter of a protector
alabdha-nidra-ksanahwho does not get an opportunity to sleep
alabdha-nidrahbeing without sleep
alabdha-nidranamwho are suffering from insomnia
alabdha-purvahnot achieved previously
alabdhvawithout attaining
alabhatahe will achieve
alabhatastarted to sacrifice
alabhyavery difficult to achieve
alabhyahcannot be achieved
alabhyamnot obtainable
alabhyayanot being achieved
alakaof locks of hair
alakawith hair
alaka-avrtadecorated with curling tresses of hair
alaka-avrta-mukhamface decorated with curling tresses of hair
alaka-kula-avrtacovered with paintings of sandalwood pulp
alaka-vrndaby locks of hair
alakaihwith curling hair
alakanandathe Alakananda
alakanandathe branch known as Alakananda
alaksamanaunot knowing
alaksayantahbeing unable to see
alaksayantahnot finding
alaksayeyou look
alaksita-antakamthe cause of death being unknown
alaksita-dvairathamwhose challenger or enemy was not seen
alaksitahunseen by anyone else
alaksitahunseen by the demons
alaksitahwithout Kamsa's knowledge
alaksitahwithout being identified
alaksitahwithout being identified by anyone else
alaksitahwithout being seen
alaksitewithout being seen
alaksite rahi'keeping invisible
alaksyaafter seeing
alaksyaby seeing
alaksyahaving seen it
alaksyarealizing or seeing practically
alaksyaseeing it
alaksya-gatibhihbut invisible
alaksyamthe invisible
alaksyamanebeing abolished
alalanathaof the place named Alalanatha
alalanathathe place named Alalanatha
alalanathato Alalanatha
alalanathato the place known as Alalanatha
alalanatha yai'going to Alalanatha
alalanatha-patheon the path to the temple of Alalanatha
alalanatheto Alalanatha
alalanatheto the place known as Alalanatha
alalita-tanuhwhose body is covered
alamI am able